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Back on the saddle

Well, not really. It would hurt too much to get on a saddle right now. And I really won't be allowed to return to my regular schedule until next week. But I am finally feeling much better after my surgery. The recuperation is going well, but much too slowly for my taste.

I had great plans to catch up on my reading during this week, but I haven't felt good enough to concentrate on reading. I've spent most of my time alternating between being in pain and sleeping. I have watched some tv just because it takes no concentration, but I'm really tired of Sportscenter (never thought I would say that) and of TBN (I've said that before). Also, I never realized how many Amazing Police Video shows there are out there.

Thanks for your prayers! I am so ready to get completely well, and get back to a regular schedule.


Unknown said…
Are you sure they did not do surgery on your brain. Tired of Sportcenter, what is wrong with you? Hope you feel better soon and start enjoying the gifts that God has given us. Praying for you my friend.
Jehu Hernandez said…
I plead temporary insanity.

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