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The Big D

I'm in Dallas this week for the GLAD District Council. We had our opening service tonight, and it was a good one. Our speaker challenged us to return to our Pentecostal values. The message was well received.

We're staying at a beautiful hotel, the Hilton Anatole. My only complaint is that we're staying in room 666!


Betty said…
oh my, of all the rooms you could've stayed in...funny..... I think :-)
Jehu Hernandez said…
Yes, I know. This hotel is huge; it has hundreds of rooms. How did we get this room? Yea, I do think it's funny.
No heads spinning or funny voices today in this room right? I'm sure it's be sanctified by now! Tell me about the FOOD when you get a chance. Have you been to Fuddrucker's yet?
Jehu Hernandez said…
no spinning heads or funny voices, but it has been somewhat of a strange trip, esp. Tuesday. We haven't eaten at Fuddrucker's--yet!

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