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Promise Keepers

I went to the San Antonio Promise Keepers this past weekend, and once again, had a great time. I've been going to these conferences for over ten years now, and they never get old.

Actually, I was a little slow getting on board the Promise Keepers movement. My initial thought was, "What's the big deal about a bunch of men yelling in a stadium?" I rejected my wife's requests to look into it. (I wonder how many wives plead with their husbands like my wife did.) Truthfully, the only reason I went to my first PK conference was because the national Promise Keepers organization paid my way to attend a PK clergy conference in Atlanta. And I do mean they paid my way: airfare, hotel, per diem, car rental. I remember how I wept at the beginning of the conference when the praise and worship began. I wept because of the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit, and probably a little bit out of shame that I had been too proud to consider PK a worthwhile movement.

Back to this weekend...the music was great and the preaching was awesome, but I always especially enjoy the camaraderie with the guys from our church. We had a smaller group than usual, but we still had a great time together.
Getting ready to go in the AT&T Center.

We were too far away from the stage to
see faces, so we mostly watched the jumbotron.

No, Ryan didn't really break into the Spurs locker room.


Promise Keeper was a much needed diversion from the cares and concerns of work and other stuff. I can say it was yet another great opportunity for men to get closer to God and to each other. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
I knew archaeology was cool but this was too awesome! Oh by the way my favorite worship song from PK is HOSANNA! That guitar riff just does it for me as well as the meaning of the words. The significance of what we are singing just makes it so much deeper. We met some great people at Promise Keepers and I hope to continue to go as long as my church will take me! Guys who couldn't go missed out on a great time in the LORD. See you later Pastor. Thanks for PK!

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